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It has been a while..

June 29th 2024

It's been since April since i last updated. Wow it has been a while. Im doing ok. Just got done putting the new layout up and coding it and I really love this new layout and everything just came together with the colors and such. I put up some pages on the "Domain Page" I resized the tagboard to a little smaller so it doesn't take up all the left side. I put up a Lyric Page. But I haven't added any lyrics yet. I will put one up everytime i update. But today i didnt feel like doing one yet today. Cause i have 2 more layouts to make and update other websites. Hope you all like this one and thanks for visiting. <3

Hello There

April 21 2024

I had to move this site to She is Loved Because for some odd reason when i was uploading the files it was giving me a 505 error. I hadn't even uploaded the files i was creating the files but nothing was on there so i don't know why there was an Error. So i tryied again and notice that Cpanel was very very slow. So i decided to move here. I think Eventally im Just going to move all the domains into one place cause its just a hassel to keep paying for two things and i really like the host im with at sheisloved. But anyways i should be done with this site tonight. Maybe. I am working on the pages right now. I also wanted to put the layout up so that I can make sure everything is working and the pages load in the right place.. :) anyways I worked really hard on the design on this layout. I like the colors i choose and everything just came together.. Hope you all like this one,,Talk soon!